The orbit of the artificial satellite has an apogee of 200 miles from the earth.
And it was during one of the Willis Conover broadcasts Jazz From A to Z that they interrupted and announced that then Soviet Union had launched the first artificial satellite of the earth which was Sputnik one.
正是在威利斯·科诺弗广播音乐节目 Jazz From A to Z的时候,他们中断了广播,并宣布当时苏联发射了地球上第一颗人造卫星Sputnik one。
After both powers had announced their intentions to send satellites into space, the USSR launched Sputnik on October 4, 1957. Far from ending the race, the first artificial satellite successfully placed in orbit only intensified the competition.
在两个大国都宣布打算将卫星送入太空后,苏联于 1957 年 10 月 4 日发射了人造卫星。第一颗成功进入轨道的人造卫星远没有结束比,反而加剧了竞争。